An egonet is a networking tool used to analyze your own personal network. Standard network analysis focuses on networks that may or may not contain you, and are certainly not focused on you, egonets allow you to diagnose your own relationships.
Proper use of an egonet should allow you to diagnose any gaps, biases, or ties that may be targets for additional networking activities. 'Ego' comes from the network's focus on one node, ignoring second level connections.
To start, all you need is an idea of the top 8-12 people in your personal network. The survey will ask you a series of questions about your connections and relationships, and you should try to answer truthfully (there is no high score).
The application stores survey data for 7 days before deleting, and are not recoverable. Summary statistics are stored in an anonymized non-identifiable format to provide benchmarking on the results page. Feel free to use pseudonyms or initials on your survey, they are only there so you can identify nodes.